Title I - Comparability Attestation
BBA is a Title I school. Please see the attached attestation for the 2024-2025 school year.
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Title I - Battle Born Academy
Battle Born Academy is a Title I School in accordance with state and federal designations of schools. As such, BBA receives additional federal funding to support Title I students.
Supplanting Defined
Title I, Part A federal funds must be used to supplement, not supplant (SNS) existing funds for program activities and must not replace those funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. Generally, federal funds allocated to are supposed to be additive or supplemental to other funds available to schools. “Non-federal funds,” means only public “state and local funds.” Accordingly, other non-Federal funds, such as private contributions, fundraising, and parent fees, need not be part of determining compliance with the Title I, Part A supplement, not supplant requirement, unless the Nevada Department of Education or SPCSA requires that they be included.
Supplanting shall be the subject of application review, reimbursement request review, amendment review, post-award monitoring, and/or audit reviews. If there is a potential presence of supplanting, the charter holder applicant or grantee will be required to supply documentation demonstrating that the reduction in non-federal resources occurred for reasons other than the receipt or expected receipt of Federal funds. ESEA section 1118(b)(1)
Battle Born Academy certifies that any funds awarded through Title I, Part A shall be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and will not replace (supplant) state and/or local funds that have been appropriated for the purposes and goals of the grant.
Battle Born Academy understands that supplanting violations may result in a range of penalties, including but not limited to suspension of future Title I, Part A funds, suspension or debarment from federal grants, recoupment of monies provided under this grant, and civil and/or criminal penalties.
Title I Notification Letter 2023-2024
Please read and review the Title I Notification Letter sent to all families for the 2023-2024 school year.
Supplanting Defined
Title I, Part A federal funds must be used to supplement, not supplant (SNS) existing funds for program activities and must not replace those funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. Generally, federal funds allocated to are supposed to be additive or supplemental to other funds available to schools. “Non-federal funds,” means only public “state and local funds.” Accordingly, other non-Federal funds, such as private contributions, fundraising, and parent fees, need not be part of determining compliance with the Title I, Part A supplement, not supplant requirement, unless the Nevada Department of Education or SPCSA requires that they be included.
Supplanting shall be the subject of application review, reimbursement request review, amendment review, post-award monitoring, and/or audit reviews. If there is a potential presence of supplanting, the charter holder applicant or grantee will be required to supply documentation demonstrating that the reduction in non-federal resources occurred for reasons other than the receipt or expected receipt of Federal funds. ESEA section 1118(b)(1)
Battle Born Academy certifies that any funds awarded through Title I, Part A shall be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and will not replace (supplant) state and/or local funds that have been appropriated for the purposes and goals of the grant.
Battle Born Academy understands that supplanting violations may result in a range of penalties, including but not limited to suspension of future Title I, Part A funds, suspension or debarment from federal grants, recoupment of monies provided under this grant, and civil and/or criminal penalties.
Title I Notification Letter 2023-2024
Please read and review the Title I Notification Letter sent to all families for the 2023-2024 school year.
TITle 1 Annual Family meeting - May 15, 2024
Title 1 - Right to KNow
BBA families have a right to know the qualifications of their students' educators. For further information or to request specific information about your child's educator, please reach out to Kathy Rudd at 725-500-8488 or [email protected].
The full text of the letter can be found here for the 2023-2024 Title 1 Right to Know.
The full text of the letter can be found here for the 2023-2024 Title 1 Right to Know.
Title 1 - 4-wEEK NOtification
BBA is providing annual required information about which teachers, for a duration of 4 weeks or more, are teaching outside of their applicable certification. The law states that any school that receives funds for educationally disadvantaged students (Title I funds) must inform parents if
their child is assigned a teacher for four or more consecutive weeks who has not met applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which they have been assigned to teach
The 2023-2024 notification letter can be found here.
their child is assigned a teacher for four or more consecutive weeks who has not met applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which they have been assigned to teach
The 2023-2024 notification letter can be found here.
BBA Student & Family Accord & COde of Honor
Per state regulation, Battle Born Academy provides the following Student & Family Accord and Code of Honor to all students. Both are available in both English and Spanish, and other languages upon request.
These documents are supplementary to the BBA Student & Family Handbook (and in Spanish), which outlines all expectations for the student, family, and school. It also includes information about curriculum, uniform, school attendance, lunch/meals, grading, the policies and procedures for discipline, and the process for complaints, among other things.
Student & Family Accord
Code of Honor - English
Code of Honor - Spanish
These documents are supplementary to the BBA Student & Family Handbook (and in Spanish), which outlines all expectations for the student, family, and school. It also includes information about curriculum, uniform, school attendance, lunch/meals, grading, the policies and procedures for discipline, and the process for complaints, among other things.
Student & Family Accord
Code of Honor - English
Code of Honor - Spanish
BBA Family Engagement Policy
Battle Born Academy has developed the following Parent & Family Engagement Policy. To contribute to future iterations and/or for questions and concerns, please contact Kathy Rudd at 725-500-8488 or [email protected].
Full text - Parent & Family Engagement Policy
Full text - Parent & Family Engagement Policy